Vytvořené odpovědi
ÚčastníkĎakujem, cez víkend skúsim a dám vedieť.
ÚčastníkZ mojich súčiastok vo fritzingu chýba L298N,12V batéria. Ďalej tam mám použite Arduino UNO,DC motor,HC-05,batéria 9V.
Keby že zoženiem L298N do fritzingu tak tu schému spravím ináč.
Vodiče na vstup 1,2,ENA-8,7,9
ÚčastníkVo fritzingu nieje 12V batéria tak som to spravil takto. Alebo sa Vák nepáči niečo iné?
ÚčastníkTu by mala byť schéma.
ÚčastníkZnaky už prichádzajú tak ako majú, len teraz mám problém s motorom. Rozbehne sa iba ak je zapojený iba jeden pin smeru motora a je prepojený na GND.
ÚčastníkKde by som mal kupiť bluetooth modul aby som zistil ci ten moj funguje? A aky program na riadenie auta s 1 motorom a servom by ste mi odporucili?
ÚčastníkAplikácia- Bluetooth RC Controller (Android)
Vždy keď pošle mobil povel vpred tak naskočí iný znak v serial monitor.// CxemCAR 1.0 (06.01.2013) // Project Page: #include "EEPROM.h" #define D1 2 // direction of motor rotation 1 #define M1 3 // PWM left motor #define D2 4 // direction of motor rotation 2 #define M2 5 // PWM right motor #define HORN 13 // additional channel 1 //#define autoOFF 2500 // milliseconds after which the robot stops when the connection #define cmdL 'L' // UART-command for left motor #define cmdR 'R' // UART-command for right motor #define cmdH 'H' // UART-command for additional channel (for example Horn) #define cmdF 'F' // UART-command for EEPROM operation #define cmdr 'r' // UART-command for EEPROM operation (read) #define cmdw 'w' // UART-command for EEPROM operation (write) char incomingByte; // incoming data char L_Data[4]; // array data for left motor byte L_index = 0; // index of array L char R_Data[4]; // array data for right motor byte R_index = 0; // index of array R char H_Data[1]; // array data for additional channel byte H_index = 0; // index of array H char F_Data[8]; // array data for EEPROM byte F_index = 0; // index of array F char command; // command unsigned long currentTime, lastTimeCommand, autoOFF; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); // initialization UART pinMode(HORN, OUTPUT); // additional channel pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); // output for motor rotation pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); // output for motor rotation /*EEPROM.write(0,255); EEPROM.write(1,255); EEPROM.write(2,255); EEPROM.write(3,255);*/ timer_init(); // initialization software timer } void timer_init() { uint8_t sw_autoOFF =; // read EEPROM "is activated or not stopping the car when losing connection" if(sw_autoOFF == '1'){ // if activated char var_Data[3]; var_Data[0] =; var_Data[1] =; var_Data[2] =; autoOFF = atoi(var_Data)*100; // variable autoOFF ms } else if(sw_autoOFF == '0'){ autoOFF = 999999; } else if(sw_autoOFF == 255){ autoOFF = 2500; // if the EEPROM is blank, dafault value is 2.5 sec } currentTime = millis(); // read the time elapsed since application start } void loop() { if (Serial.available() > 0) { // if received UART data incomingByte =; // raed byte Serial.println(incomingByte); // výpis dát if(incomingByte == cmdL) { // if received data for left motor L command = cmdL; // current command memset(L_Data,0,sizeof(L_Data)); // clear array L_index = 0; // resetting array index } else if(incomingByte == cmdR) { // if received data for left motor R command = cmdR; memset(R_Data,0,sizeof(R_Data)); R_index = 0; } else if(incomingByte == cmdH) { // if received data for additional channel command = cmdH; memset(H_Data,0,sizeof(H_Data)); H_index = 0; } else if(incomingByte == cmdF) { // if received data for EEPROM op command = cmdF; memset(F_Data,0,sizeof(F_Data)); F_index = 0; } else if(incomingByte == '\r') command = 'e'; // end of line else if(incomingByte == '\t') command = 't'; // end of line for EEPROM op if(command == cmdL && incomingByte != cmdL){ L_Data[L_index] = incomingByte; // store each byte in the array L_index++; // increment array index } else if(command == cmdR && incomingByte != cmdR){ R_Data[R_index] = incomingByte; R_index++; } else if(command == cmdH && incomingByte != cmdH){ H_Data[H_index] = incomingByte; H_index++; } else if(command == cmdF && incomingByte != cmdF){ F_Data[F_index] = incomingByte; F_index++; } else if(command == 'e'){ // if we take the line end Control4WD(atoi(L_Data),atoi(R_Data),atoi(H_Data)); delay(10); } else if(command == 't'){ // if we take the EEPROM line end Flash_Op(F_Data[0],F_Data[1],F_Data[2],F_Data[3],F_Data[4]); } lastTimeCommand = millis(); // read the time elapsed since application start } if(millis() >= (lastTimeCommand + autoOFF)){ // compare the current timer with variable lastTimeCommand + autoOFF Control4WD(0,0,0); // stop the car } } void Control4WD(int mLeft, int mRight, uint8_t Horn){ bool directionL, directionR; // direction of motor rotation L298N byte valueL, valueR; // PWM M1, M2 (0-255) if(mLeft > 0){ valueL = mLeft; directionL = 0; } else if(mLeft < 0){ valueL = 255 - abs(mLeft); directionL = 1; } else { directionL = 0; valueL = 0; } if(mRight > 0){ valueR = mRight; directionR = 0; } else if(mRight < 0){ valueR = 255 - abs(mRight); directionR = 1; } else { directionR = 0; valueR = 0; } analogWrite(M1, valueL); // set speed for left motor analogWrite(M2, valueR); // set speed for right motor digitalWrite(D1, directionL); // set direction of left motor rotation digitalWrite(D2, directionR); // set direction of right motor rotation digitalWrite(HORN, Horn); // additional channel } void Flash_Op(char FCMD, uint8_t z1, uint8_t z2, uint8_t z3, uint8_t z4){ if(FCMD == cmdr){ // if EEPROM data read command Serial.print("FData:"); // send EEPROM data Serial.write(; // read value from the memory with 0 address and print it to UART Serial.write(; Serial.write(; Serial.write(; Serial.print("\r\n"); // mark the end of the transmission of data EEPROM } else if(FCMD == cmdw){ // if EEPROM data write command EEPROM.write(0,z1); // z1 record to a memory with 0 address EEPROM.write(1,z2); EEPROM.write(2,z3); EEPROM.write(3,z4); timer_init(); // reinitialize the timer Serial.print("FWOK\r\n"); // send a message that the data is successfully written to EEPROM } }
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